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Jones G.:
I recently purchased a da Verrazzano briefcase and matching portfolio in Nutella with initials using the Pay Pal option. My order was processed promptly with email confirmation. An email was also sent when the items were shipped along with a tracking web link from DHL. Delivery to Iowa was made earlier than projected and the DHL driver called me in advance of delivery which worked out well because I was not at home but at a location that was closer to him than my home address. He drove to where I was located and delivered the items directly to me. All questions that I emailed were addressed promptly. I am very pleased with the product, but this is not my first purchase so I was well aware of the quality of these products. Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of owning any since these are given as gifts to my son in law school.
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Home » Borse da lavoro » Linea Bruce

Linea Bruce
cartelle valigette borselli in pelle al getetale Pratesi Bruce Firenze

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Le borse da lavoro Pratesi sono una testimonianza dell'eccellenza artigianale, unendo la funzionalità a un design senza tempo. La pelle di alta qualità esprime raffinatezza e assicura la durata necessaria per le esigenze della tua attività lavorativa. Resta organizzato e fai una dichiarazione di stile con le nostre borse da lavoro in vera pelle, che fondono perfettamente la praticità con l'estetica raffinata.