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Lee Y.:
I ordered two bags, Versilia R 348 Radica Cherry and Versilia R 348 Radica Black. The colors and the leather look even better in real life than how they look online. Many of my friends have asked me where I got the bags and I get so much attention when I carry them on the street. Stefano (the Pratesi owner/manager/designer I assume..) also replied to my inquiries super fast and he also let me know immediately if there were any updates via email. For the price, the quality and the design of the bags are just so amazing. I am very very impressed although it was my first time to order bags from here. I am planning to visit the website more often with mom in order to hunt for new awesome bags! Oh, and the bags were delivered via DHL quite fast and very safely even though I live in South Korea!
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Portalettere B122
Portalettere B122

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