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Mabie G.:
Dear Stefano Pratesi, I cannot thank you enough for once again sending me the finest luxury leather item on this planet. I purchased another Pratest product some time ago and my comments on that product I made available. at that time, on line. Again, I must say that the coffee attache case is the finest leather good ever made. I must also point out that it was a pleasure to do business with you, sir, as I communicated via email on numerous occasions. I am giving the first attache in dark brown to my daughter and I will keep the coffee one. I cannot believe the degree of perfection you accomplish in your business. You are a gentleman of the highest order and one day I plan to visit the beautiful country of Italy and stop and say hello. Anyone who reads this statement would be wise and indeed fortunate to enlist the services of Pratesi leather goods under the professional and honorable hand of Stefano Pratesi. Gary L. Mabie
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Home » Portafogli » Museo Marini B901

Museo Marini B901
Museo Marini B901