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Church D.:
The bag was supposed to be the present for my Mum as she kept going on and on about Pratesi brand. So we selected the colour and the model, and contacted Betty from Pratesi. We couldn’t find the colour we wanted available on the actual website, but Betty managed to find it for us, and even to arrange personalised engraving. The order was placed quickly and smootly. Excellent communication, even supported by real photos of the selected product. Very personalised customer service that gives you the assurance that you are taken very seriously. Excellent customer service. Shipping and packaging were exceptional, as the high quality brand should have. 100% happy customers ready to place another order in the nearest future.
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Home » Accessori » Linea Cavallino

Linea Cavallino
Linea Cavallino

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orse realizzate con maestria artigianale in cui ogni dettaglio manifesta la dedizione alla perfezione. La particolare pelle conferisce un tocco di unico e viene accompagnata da una lavorazione artigianale. Grazie al design classico e alla tipica lavorazione della pelle, la linea Cavallino riesce a dare un tocco distintivo al tuo stile.